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З метою реалізації «Програми вивчення та популяризації англійської мови в закладах освіти м. Чернівців на 2016-2020 роки та проведення «Року англійської мови» учні та вчителі Чернівецької ЗОШ №31 створили відеоролик-презентацію «Моя школа». 

In order to implement the "Program of study and promotion of the English language in educational institutions of the city of Chernivtsi in 2016-2020" and the "Year of English"  students and teachers of  Chernivtsi school №31 created the video presentation" My School ".

The logo expresses the history of English, main characteristics of English language and the importance of learning English in our country and in our school in particular.

The history of English language is inseparably connected with the history of Britain. Speaking of the United Kingdom we subconciously think of the monarchy. That is why the logotype is composed on the mantle of the British Empire. The mantle of Britain monarchs was originally made of red velvet and was lined with white taffeta. On the top there is another symbol of great Britain – the Royal Crown. The crown traditionally represents power, victory, triumph, honor and glory, as well as the immortality and resurrection. These are the characteristics of English language, which is the most widely spoken and written language of the world. Today English occupies the prestigious place of an International language – the “queen of languages”.

Central feature of the logo is the logo of our school (school #31), as the endorsement the fact of involving our school into activities dedicated to the celebrating “2016 — the year of English” and popularizing of English in our school.

There are flags of the United Kingdom, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada around the logo of school. English is the most commonly spoken language in these countries. On the top there is the flag of Great Britain, as it is the Motherland of English language.

The ribbon with national Ukrainian colours — yellow and blue shows that Ukrainians understand the role of English as the language of international communication and support the integration of Ukraine into European political, economical, scientific and educational space.

Within the city project "Partnership between schools"  the leaflet "My School" was created

Within the city project "Partnership between schools"  the leaflet "Excursion in my region" was created

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